5 Easy Christmas Gifts for Anyone.

Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 4.56.02 PMChristmas time!! Tis the season to be gifting and it can be exhausting going around, shopping at forty different stores in one day and only going home with three things after all of that… Continue reading 5 Easy Christmas Gifts for Anyone.

The best slow cooker beef roast ever!

If you’re anything like me, you are a busy person! Juggling life can be challenging enough, and now you’re telling me I need to cook a good, nutrition, hearty, hot meal after a long day at work… Continue reading The best slow cooker beef roast ever!

8 of the best podcasts you should be listening to!

Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 5.17.40 PMWho doesn’t like zoning out and listening to a great Podcast? I for one, listen to a ton of them. I listen to podcasts a lot of the time on my daily commute, while walking my dog, on my days off while I clean the house up and do laundry and while I grocery shop. So here’s a list of the best podcasts that I believe you should start listening to… Continue reading 8 of the best podcasts you should be listening to!

How to make positive changes to better yourself and your quality of life in 3 steps.

A photo to remember to love yourself as much as you love a warm drink on a cool day.

I mostly post about my vacations and fun stuff, but I also wanted to talk about serious topics when I created my blog… Continue reading How to make positive changes to better yourself and your quality of life in 3 steps.

Why you should read John Green’s books


John Green is a brilliant author and vlogger. Going to see John Green on Oct 27th was incredible! My hopes were high beforehand, as I simply love his books… Continue reading Why you should read John Green’s books

What to see in Poland and Prague, Czech Republic


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Go see the winsome views in Prague, Czech Republic

I have always had such a desire to travel; it’s so amazing to be able to go somewhere foreign and experience the culture of another place, the food, the people, the entertainment, the lifestyle of others; fascinating… Continue reading What to see in Poland and Prague, Czech Republic